Legal Disclaimer

The contents of this site, including but not limited to the text and images herein and their arrangement, belongs to and is the property of Steve Barrett Insurance. Steve Barrett Insurance has launched this website to provide general information for its users. We request you to read the conditions before using this site as Steve Barrett Insurance can at any time and at its sole discretion modify the terms and conditions contained herein. By using this website, you consent to be bound by the terms and conditions of use without limitation or qualification.

Steve Barrett Insurance allows use the information available on this site only for your personal or informational and non-commercial purposes and not for being copied or posted on any network computer or to broadcast in or any form of media.

Steve Barrett Insurance will not be responsible or liable for the accuracy, reliability, copyright, compliance, legality or decency of any content or any interruption in service. The information and descriptions contained herein are not intended to be complete descriptions of all terms, exclusions and conditions applicable to the products and services, but are provided solely for general informational purposes.

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This web site, the information and materials on the site, and any software made available on the web site, are provided "as is" without any representation or warranty, express or implied, of any kind, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability, non infringement, or fitness for any particular purpose or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding third party content. Inspite of Steve Barrett Insurance’s best endeavours, there is no warranty of the web site being free of any computer viruses. Some jurisdictions do not allow for the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above exclusions may not apply to you.

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In no event shall Steve Barrett Insurance or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates be liable to any entity for any direct, indirect, special, consequential or other damages (including, without limitation, any lost profits, business interruption, loss of information or programs or other data on your information handling system) that are related to the use of, or the inability to use, the content, materials, and functions of this web site or any linked web site, even if Steve Barrett Insurance is expressly advised of the possibility of such damages.

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While visiting our Web site(s), you may leave the site and access certain non- Steve Barrett Insurance sites. We provide links to other Web sites to information on topics that may be useful to you. We do not endorse, and are not responsible for the content and accuracy of these sites. We also do not warrant that these sites are free from any claims of copyright, trademark, or other infringement of the rights of third parties, or that such sites are free of computer viruses. We are also not responsible for the contents of any site linked to our site.