Business - Small Business Workers Compensation Insurance
The underlying strategy of our Workers' Compensation program is to establish a partnership among the four participants: the injured employee, the employer, the medical provider and Farmers. Our goal is to deliver the correct benefits quickly and efficiently at a fair cost.
Farmers Care, our complete medical and disability management program is designed to help control your Workers' Compensation premiums.
Farmers Care consists of:
- Preferred Provider Organization-The foundation of Farmers Care is an extensive network of industrial clinics, physician specialists and hospitals committed to giving excellenttreatment as well as managing costs.
- Utilization Management--Our nurses, underthe supervision of medical doctors, review treatment plans using the latest in computerizedmedical guidelines. They also verify the necessity of hospital admissions and lengthsof stay.
- Early Return-to-Work Programs-Early return-to-work is a major factorin cost savings. Bringing employees back to work as soon as medically feasible savessubstantial sums in temporary disability payments and retraining costs.
- EarlyReturn-to-Work Programs-Early return-to-work is a major factor in cost savings.Bringing employees back to work as soon as medically feasible saves substantialsums in temporary disability payments and retraining costs.
- Bill Review -Wereview every bill to check pricing, appropriateness of the treatment and the billingoverlap. This saves millions of dollars each year in unnecessary charges.
Loss Control Services - Our loss control programs can assist youin reducing the frequency and cost of injuries. We also offer posters, videos, andbrochures to reinforce Workers' Compensation safety programs, raise employee awareness,and meet legal requirements.
Fraud Control - Our claims representatives are trained to identifyand react when they see "red flags,"which indicate a claim needs further investigation.
Classification Review - We'll review your individual classificationsand operations to make sure payroll, sales, and other variables are correctly classifiedand you are charged the correct premium.
Premium Audit Service - Our auditors will help you understand premiumclassifications as well as forecasting future premium costs. They also assist inmaking sure your premium is calculated at the correct rate.
Claims specialists - Specialized claims representatives handleonly Workers' Compensation claims. They review medical expenses, initiate earlyreturn-to-work programs, facilitate rehabilitations and manage legal costs.
Same-Day 4-Point Contact - On the day the claim is received, our claims representativesare committed to achieving same-day contact with the employee, employer, medicalprovider and agent. This insures that benefits begin as soon as possible and thatquestionable claims are investigated early in the process.